When you create an account with Keep&Share, we will require you to click on a link in your activation email to finish setting up your account. We do not share your email address with anyone, nor will it be posted for anyone else to see. This is the email address that we use to contact you about your account only.

We require that all accounts verify their email address within the first three times of using their account, or else you may find yourself locked out of your account.

Once you click on the link in your activation email you will see a confirmation screen from keepandshare.com that your email address has been verified. You will not have to again verify your email address unless you change it

If you click on the "Verify my Email" button and your browser says "Cannot load page" then you may need to contact your IT department to see if your network or firewalls have been set up to block Keep&Share. You can either wait for the network issue to be resolved, or you can verify the email from your phone's mobile data plan or from your home computer.

If you want to change the email address on your account, you will first need to verify the email address that we sent the activation email to. Then you can go to your Email Settings to change the primary email address on your account. You will then be sent another verification email to verify your new email address. After the new email has been verified, you can delete the old email address from your account.