
Event Calendar entries are scheduled around a set time, and can connect with emails, phones and other calendars. For more information on Events, check out the Solutions below.

How can I send an individual event to my friends?
You can easily send messages from your Keep&Share account to Friends and Share Groups or to individual email addresses by using our “Send Message” featu...
Fri, 29 Jan, 2021 at 3:40 PM
How can I delete an Event in my Calendar?
Events are a type of Calendar entry that is structured around a scheduled time, with options to connect to your email, phone, and other Calendars. Deleting...
Mon, 13 Jul, 2020 at 7:02 PM
How can I restore deleted events to my calendar?
If you have deleted old events in bulk from your calendar by accident that you wanted to keep, you do have the ability to restore those events to your calen...
Fri, 21 Jan, 2022 at 12:04 PM
How can others add my events to their calendars?
When you share your calendar with others you have the option of allowing visitors to add your events to their calendars. Your visitors will be able to add e...
Mon, 13 Jul, 2020 at 7:22 PM
How can I choose the default settings for new events?
When you create new events in your calendar, your browser always remembers whatever event settings you used last on your events in that session. This means ...
Tue, 9 Nov, 2021 at 2:05 PM
How can I sort my events alphabetically?
When you add events to your calendar, there are several ways that they can be organized. If you add a time to your events, this will be the usual way that t...
Tue, 7 Dec, 2021 at 10:37 AM