The “Invite a Friend” command allows your friends to create free Keep&Share logins. Each friend receives an email telling them you want to share information with them along with an invitation to log into their already existing Keep&Share account (if they have one), or they can create a new, free Keep&Share account in seconds.

Note: If you have a Team account and you want to add members to your Team, you will need to add them using the Team Console and not the Invite-a-Friend command.

If the friend that you invited to create an account did not receive your invitation or they accidentally deleted it, you can always re-send the “Invite-a-Friend” invitation. To learn how to do this, follow the steps in the image below:

Please note that if your friend has already clicked on the link in the Invite-a-Friend invitation email and has created a Keep&Share account, this link will not work a second time. The invited friend will need to go to and log into their account using the Account Name and password that they chose when they clicked on the link in the Invite-a-Friend email the first time.

If after you have re-sent the Invite-a-Friend invitation and your friend is still not receiving the email, then they will need to troubleshoot their spam filters.