Visitors are anyone who Visits your applications (ex. Documents, Photo Albums, Calendars) online according to your application's Share Status. No one can Visit (or see) your information unless you allow them to in your Share Control. Because each file in each application has a separate Share Control, Visitors to your information can only access the information you have shared with them.

Viewing and Editing Rights

Once you have shared your application, what a Visitor can do when they view your application depends on which level of access you’ve granted them.

  • When you share your information with Visitors, those Visitors (by default) have Viewing Rights to your information. This will give them read-only access. If you don’t want someone to have viewing rights to your information, you must edit your Share Control to entirely disable sharing with that person.
  • If you want Visitors to be able to add and edit content in the information you've shared with them, you can give them Edit Rights. To set up Edit Rights, check the box "Can Edit" next to their Account Name or the Share Group's name in the Share Control or click on the "Can Edit" checkbox at the top of the column to give everyone Edit Rights. To give someone Edit Rights for a calendar, both you and the person you want to share with must have paid accounts; shared calendar editing is not included in free Basic accounts.

Add-Only Rights

To give just Add-Only Rights in Calendars (like Edit Rights, but they can't change or remove anything that's already there—just add new Events) to people, purchase our “Self-Book” Calendar feature.

In “Self-Book” Visitors that you’ve shared with but haven’t given Edit Rights to can send suggestions to add to your Calendar’s content, but they can’t edit the content that’s already there. Their suggested “additions” to your calendar can be approved automatically, or you can require them to stay “pending” until you have reviewed and approved or rejected them.