You can quickly and easily export data from your Keep&Share calendar in both .ICS and .KCS file formats. An .ICS file is an industry-standard iCalendar format and a .KCS file is a Keep&Share format that preserves Keep&Share's unique text formatting and colors on your calendar entries. These offline files can be saved onto your computer, and then imported into your choice of calendar program. You can also export your Calendar in .CSV format for use by Excel.
However, because other calendar programs do not have all the features that Keep&Share has, they will not accept all of the data, and some of your data will not be visible in the new program, e.g. color coding or more than 100-200 characters of text for events or Day Notes, depending on the program's limits.
Export to another calendar within Keep&Share (.KCS)
First, click on the gray “Customize” button above the Calendar that you want to export from Keep&Share. Then, click on the "Data Management" tab, click on the “Import & export my calendar” tab, and then click on the blue “Export part or all of this calendar” link. This will preserve all your Keep&Share data because the other Keep&Share calendar will be able to accept all of our features.
This will open up the “Calendar Export” screen. Here you can select a date range to export all or a portion of your calendar. Click to select the .KCS format, and then click the “Review Exports” button.
This will open up the “Export Review” screen. Here you can review the calendar data (including the calendar's Events and Day Notes), and further select what will be included in the export file. When you are finished with your review, click the “Export Calendar” button, and the .KCS file will be downloaded to your computer.
Export to a calendar outside of Keep&Share (.ICS)
First, go to the “Customize” screen. Click on the "Data Management“ tab, click on the "Import & export my calendar” tab, and then click on the blue “Export part or all of this calendar” link.
This will open up the “Calendar Export” screen. Here you can select a date range to export all or a portion of your calendar. Click to select the .ICS format, and then click the “Review Exports” button.
This will open up the “Export Review” screen. Here you can review the calendar data (including the calendar’s Events and Day Notes), and further select what will be included in the export file. When you are finished with your review, click the “Export Calendar” button, and the .ICS file will be downloaded to your computer.
Make a backup of your Calendar with Export
You can create a one-time backup of your calendar by exporting a .KCS file of your calendar to yourself. You can also set up your calendar to create Automatic Backups.
Create a copy of your Calendar with Export
You can create a second copy of your calendar by exporting a .KCS file, and then importing that file onto a blank Keep&Share calendar.
To learn more about all of the importing and exporting options available, visit our solutions in the Importing and Exporting Calendars solutions folder.