Day Notes are a freeform calendar entry format that you can use in your Keep&Share Calendar application.
To access and edit a Day Note, click on the date in your calendar containing the Day Note, to open the Day Editor. In the Day Editor interface, you can select and edit the text in your Day Note as you would in any word processor.
Hiding details in your Day Note text
Day Notes offer you the option to hide details in your text behind an asterisk (*) that can be moused over for extra information.
You can hide details in your text simply and easily by placing the hidden text in between square brackets. See the image below:
Advanced hidden details in your Day Note text
You can create two versions of your hidden details, with one version available to sharers with viewing rights, and another version of details only for people you've given Edit Rights to as well.
You can create this by placing a vertical bar character “|” your bracketed hidden detail text to divide the text between viewers and editors of your calendar. Text to the left of the vertical bar will visible only to those with edit rights to your calendar. Text to the right of the vertical bar will be visible to anyone with viewing rights to your calendar.
Learn more on your options available in the Day Editor on our Day Editor solutions page.