Our Team accounts are organized around groups of people that are managed under one central Keep&Share account. Each Team account has one master account and you can choose the number of subaccounts you have on your team. Each team member comes with a predefined number of calendars.
For example, you can have a 3-user Team account. Each of those three accounts will have 30 calendars available to their account. No matter the size of the team account (10 users, 50 users, etc.) each individual team member will have the ability to have up to 30 calendars in their own account.
As a master account on a team, you may create individual calendars in your account for each of your team members. These calendars are part of the 30 calendars that come by default with your account. When you create a calendar in your account for a team member, this is a calendar that is separate from the team member's account.
This means that if you close a team member account, the team member account may be gone, but the calendar will still exist in your account. This is because the calendar is part of your account and not the team member's account.
To remove any calendars, you'll need to follow these steps to delete them.