When you customize your Self-Book forms you can use substitutions to automatically insert information into your forms, either for your visitors or for you and anyone with edit rights to the calendar. This information can be visible to visitors, or you can hide it so that only editors can see them.
These are the substitutions that you can use in your forms:
- Calendar Name - %calendarname%
- First Name - %firstname%
- Last Name - %lastname%
- Email Address - %email%
- Mobile Phone Number - %mobilephone%
If the person that is filling out your form also has a Keep&Share account, you can have this information auto-fill in your form for the person filling it out. Or you can have this information auto-filled when the form is submitted. You will then see this information in the booking on the "Review Bookings" panel.
For example, if you want the calendar name to be automatically filled out in the booking when it is submitted, you can add the calendar name substitution as a hidden field on your form. Please see the image below:
Learn more about what substitutions you can use in your Self-Book notifications (like acceptance and rejection messages).