If you have items in your account or links that you visit frequently you can save those links to your Navigator so that they're easily accessible. The links that you save to your Navigator are located in a "Saved Links" folder in your Bookmarks application. 

Note: If you don't see your Bookmarks application in the Navigator you may need to turn it on.

You can see what these Saved Links will look like once you've added them to your Navigator in the image below. You will only see these Saved Links when you're looking at the Dashboard:

To save links to the Navigator what you'll first need to do is copy the link for the item that you want to access. You can copy any link (it doesn't have to be in your Keep&Share account) or you can learn how to copy the link for the item of your choice by reading through the articles below:

Once you've copied your link, you can then add a Saved Link to your Navigator by following the steps in the image below:

If you want to edit or delete any of your Saved Links, all you need to do is navigate to your "Saved Links" folder in your Bookmarks application. The Saved Links folder is automatically created whenever you create a Saved Link and all Saved Links are in that folder.