Signing up for a Keep&Share account is fast and easy! You only need an email address and a few minutes of time to register for a new account. When you sign up, you have the option of signing up for a 15-day free trial. This free trial will allow you to try out all of the features that Keep&Share has to offer before you decide what type of account you would like to have. You can also choose to immediately sign up for the free Basic version of our software.

To sign up for an account, follow the steps below:

Once you have entered your email, you will immediately receive an email from us with a link that you will need to click on to activate that account. Once you have clicked on the link, you will be able to choose a password and an Account Name for your account. Your Account Name is not your email address. After you have done this, you will be able to log into your account at any time. If you did not receive an email from us, please visit our Email Troubleshooting page.

To learn more about the differences between our accounts, please visit our pricing and comparison page.