Keep&Share has very detailed records concerning the visiting history between you and a friend. This “Visit History” will list all of the items that you recently visited on your friend’s account, all of the actions that friend has taken in your account, and all of the actions you have taken in your friend’s account. All of this information is located in the “Friends” tab.

Accessing the Visit History

Once you have accessed the Visit History, you will see two main sections: the green section on the left side of the screen that shows the most recent visits by you to your friend, and a tabbed purple section on the right that will show your friend’s most recent activity in your account and your most recent activity in your friend’s account.

Using your “Recent Visits By Me” section

In the “Recent Visits by Me to ________” section, each record will list the name of the application that you visited in your friend’s account, the date and time the application was accessed, and an icon representing what type of application you visited. You can click on the name of the application to access that application on Keep&Share.

At the bottom of this section you will see a link in blue that says, “Visit _______’s Account.” In the blank your friend’s Account Name will be listed. When you click on this link you will be taken to your friend’s Share 

Using the “Recent Activity By” section

In the “Recent Activity by _________” section you can see two tabs. By default the tab with the name of your friend will be listed first and this tab will show the most recent actions (views, edits, and comments) your friend has taken in your account.

At the bottom of this tab you will see a blue link that says, “See all of _______’s activity.” If you click on this link, it will take you to the “Friends' Activity in My Account” report section with the name of your friend already filled out in the “Name” filter.

If you click on the tab that says “My Activity” which will be next to the tab with your friend’s name on it, you will see the most recent actions you have taken in your friend’s account.

At the bottom of this tab you will see a blue link that says, “See all of my activity with _______.” If you click on this link, it will take you to the “My Activity Report” section with the name of your friend already filled out in the “Owner” filter.