Your “My Activity Report“ only applies to you and your actions in your account as well as your actions in other Keep&Share accounts. When you filter by owner, you are filtering through your “My Activity Report” for applications that you have edited, commented on, or viewed. This includes applications that either you or others own.
Using the Date Range filter
The filters are located on the right-hand side of your “My Activity Report.” When you click on the “Date Range” filter a new box will appear at the bottom of your filter list where you can select the start and end date for the period you want to narrow your “My Activity Report” by.
When you click in either the text field for “Start Date” or “End Date” you will see a pop-up calendar. Click on the date that you want to filter by in the pop-up calendar. You will need to choose both a start and end date for this filter to be applied to your “My Activity Report.
To remove the filter from your “My Activity Report” just click on the “X” in the top right corner of your filter.