When you have multiple Events in one day, you may want to bring attention to the times that the Events start. You have the option of doing this manually by formatting the text in your Event, but this is a lengthy process by hand. The faster way to emphasize your Event times is by modifying you Event display in the “Customize” screen. You can emphasize the times of your Events by either putting the text in bold or italics.

Putting the Event time in bold

You can bold the start and the end times of your Events by clicking on the gray “Customize” button in the blue bar above your Calendar. You can then click on the “Event display options” tab and the panel on the right-hand side will show all of your options for customizing the appearance of your Event. Follow the steps in the image below:

Putting the Event time in italics

You can also italicize the Event times by accessing the “Customize” screen for your Calendar. Follow the steps in the image below:

Once you have changed the emphasis on your Event times, your Events will look similar to the image below: