Whenever you mark a Keep&Share Bookmark as “Archived,” it is subsequently hidden from your view unless you ask for archived Bookmarks to be displayed.
Archiving Bookmarks is a great way to archive information out of sight (and out of your way) without really getting rid of it. Archiving works for Documents, uploaded Files, Addresses, Discussions, Bookmarks, and Photo Albums. Archiving works very well with the “Copy Bookmark” command to quickly make and archive a copy of your Bookmark.
Archiving a Bookmark is much safer than deleting a Bookmark because you can always unarchive a Bookmark, but once a Bookmark is deleted in the Bookmark Trash Can it’s gone forever.
Archiving Bookmarks
To archive your bookmarks follow the steps in the image below:
Viewing Archived Bookmarks
To view archived Bookmarks, you will need to click on the “List View” drop-down menu at the top of your Bookmark Folder and then click on the "Archive" tab. The Folder will then display only its archived contents. Once a Bookmark is archived your friends will not be able to see it even if it was shared with them.
To return to a normal Folder view, click on the brown “Archive” icon button again.
Unarchiving Bookmarks
To unarchive bookmarks follow the steps in the image below: